For local carriers
Woop works with you to promote your professionalism and service quality with "Le Label Woop". This recognition increases your legitimacy and the label gives you visibility to boost your business!
"Le Label Woop" label is based on 5 evaluation criteria:
- Technical
- Functional
- Service quality
- Social
- Environmental
For retailers
Through the "Le Label Woop" label, Woop offers premium sourcing for local carriers that are audited, regularly evaluated and listed in its catalogue of delivery partners.

Why have the label?
A unique label in the Supply Chain world
You can get the label when you fulfil specific criteria, meeting your clients' requirements and demonstrating your professionalism.
You'll have access to customised media coverage within the Woop ecosystem through the communication package associated with the label.
You'll develop your business volume and revenue through your privileged relationship with the Woop platform's client brands.
How does it work?
Step 1
You carry out an evaluation of your company based on five criteria: Technical and functional (audit carried out by Woop), service quality, social and environmental (questionnaire).
Step 2
If you score the set number of points, your company is eligible for the "Le Label Woop" label.
Step 3
You choose the communication package that matches your growth objectives.